Contents Restoration & Furniture restoration



Awarded Most Innovative Mould Project.



End to end restoration.



Fully certified to the highest standards.

Contents & Furniture Restoration

The precious big and little things we gather in our lives are important to property owners and when a fire, water or mould event occurs these items are often heavily impacted.  At Amtec Disaster Recovery we know exactly how to manage all your precious belongings.  We can launder and dry clean clothing, store furniture and large objects or even restore precious antiques and artworks if needed.  Our in-house contents teams work tiny miracles every single day. Getting your building and contents back together the way they were before your loss makes all the difference.


Money Back Guarantee*

Contents Recovery Teams 

Using state of the art cloud technology our contents teams catalogue and photograph all recoverable contents items.  Our teams take extra care and attention with your belongings and use the most advanced and proven techniques to recover them back to their pre-loss condition.  In our history we have worked on the widest range of contents from antique furniture to road racing bicycles and precious cups.  We utilise everything from ultrasonics, steam cleaning, dry ice blasting to specialised furniture restoration techniques and when it makes economic sense get them looking as good as new.  Contact us to discover how we can look after your contents.



Step 1

Work with the contents owner to catalogue all affected items.

Step 2

Identify items that cannot be economically saved and flag them for the owner to value and advise if it is sentimental in nature.

Step 3

Photograph and list all items in our cloud system and provide the client with a personal log in.

Step 4

Return items to be restored back to our facility.

Step 5

Complete all restoration works.

Step 6

Store any items to be returned after building works.

Step 7

Return contents once the repaired property is ready.

Common Questions

How long have you been restoring contents?

We have been restoring contents for 20 years, and have a purpose built facility where we can restore, repair and store your precious contents while your property is repaired.

What industry certified training do you undergo?

At Amtec our site leaders, project managers and site technicians are all IICRC trained in Contents Management and undergo our internal programs to help insure our team and techniques are delivering a first class result every time.

Do you recover electronics and how do you do this?

We have our own internal Electronics division where we recover all kinds of specialised electronics equipment when economical to do so and we ensure the item operates as they did pre-loss. We ensure that it is safe to use and that all cosmetic and odour issues are returned back to pre-loss condition.   Often a small fix and repair can save 1000’s of dollars in replacements costs.  Ask us how we can assist with your electronics items.

Can you guarantee to remove the horrible odour from the event?

Our contents facility has a purpose built deodorising room where we have the capability to utilise techniques such as pairing agents to hydroxyl or ozone treatment to remove any odour assuming it is economical to do so.

How are you going to communicate with owner, and the assessor regarding the status of contents?

Our contents division utilises individual barcodes on items and boxes that get scanned and updated as contents are processed in our facility, this means the owner and or assessor can login into our contents portal and see which items are worth saving and which couldn’t be recovered in real time.

Any items that are unfortunately uneconomical to restore will result in the the owner being notified via our online contents portal allowing them to input details of where they purchased the item from and for what price. It also gives the owner the ability to let us know if the particular item of contents was sentimental in nature so that we insure it is returned.
Once all the contents are processed and the owner has input their values for the items that can’t be saved a detailed spreadsheet is provided to the owner and the insurer which has a photo of the item, detailed description, purchase information and associated values to help with the settlement process.

What quality assurance processes do you have in place?

Contents in our care undergoes a post remediation/restoration evaluation by one of our experienced certified contents managers.

If the situation warrants it Amtec goes one step further and arranges a post remediation/restoration verification where we engage independent, highly trained and educated hygienists to come and verify the work has been done to the correct standard and is safe for the home owner.



  • Testing and Tagging
  • Fire Investigations
  • In House Electronics Recovery team
  • Ultrasonics Electronics Cleaning


  • Hard wood Restoration
  • Upholstery Steam Cleaning
  • Deodorising
  • Cleaning
  • Hard wood Refinishing
  • Deep Pile Rejuvenation of Soft Furnishings


  • Contents Valuations and Online Listings
  • Dry Cleaning
  • Laundry Service of Clothing
  • Stain Removal












There are many facets of contents restoration & furniture restoration that Amtec can help you with. Contact one of our qualified experts today to ensure you get the best advice on how your contents & furniture restoration should be handled. We here to help at anytime.

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*Conditions Apply