Claims Management Process

Whilst your property is being restored and repaired by appointed insurance contractors, it can get confusing as to which company is attending to which part of your claim.  To help with this process, we have laid out a simplified timeline showing who works on various items for you.  This has been designed as a general guide to help you through the process.


Insurer - Claim Lodged

Claim lodged with your insurer


Amtec - Assessment

Amtec and your insurer meet onsite and assess the damage.  A scope of works is written and agreed


Builder - Assessment

Insurers builders arrive on site to perform a repair works assessment and scope of works

Amtec - Works

Amtec's approved works commence, this may include all or some of the following works

  • Assess contents that are restorable and pack them for works at the factory (if required)
  • List all contents on iCat, see the other leaflet regarding this
  • Restore and store contents at the Amtec factory until ready for return after building works
  • Build containment (if required)
  • Dry any water damaged building materials not being replaced
  • Remove any contaminated building materials
  • Clean and restore any building materials that can be recovered
  • Get independent clearance for work completed (if required)

Upon the completion of Amtec works, a handover of building repairs i then undertaken to the nominated builder on your claim.


Builder - Repair Works

Builder completes all works approved by your insurer


Amtec - Building Clean

Amtec completes a builders clean of your property following completion of building reinstatement works, ensuring your property is ready for the contents to be returned and re-occupancy can occur.


Amtec - Return of Contents

Your restored contents are returned to your property by us

Insurer - Claim Closed

Your back to normal with your claim closed.